Are you new to the Bitget exchange and are you looking for a Bitget Referral Code to get some interesting promotions? Check out ours, because with this referral code you will receive 10% discount on trading. In the Reward Center you can receive a welcome bonus up to $4163 in 2024.
The Referral Code is: mm2u
Or click here to automatically add the code.
BitGet Referral Code | mm2u |
Discount / Bonus | 10% discount on spot trading and a $4163 welcome bonus for new users |
Duration | Lifetime claimable. 10% discount is also lifetime. |
Conditions | Only for new users in 2024 |
Which Bitget bonuses can you claim?
Reward Center Tasks | Dollar Bonus |
KYC | $3 |
Futures Trading | $50 or less |
First Deposit | $4000 or less (depending on the deposit) |
Spot Trading | $60 or less + 10% discount |
Copy Trading | $50 |
Total bonus | $4163 |
The Bitget exchange was launched in 2018 and is currently within the top 5 of derivatives exchanges on CoinMarketCap based on trading volume. Currently they have over 20 million registered users with an average trading volume of $10 billion a day. With over 1300 employees, they try to grow the business each day. They’ve partnered up with Messi, Team Spirit and Juventus.
Bitget Services:
- Copy Trading: Bitget’s flagship service allows users to emulate the strategies of elite traders, earning profits effortlessly.
- Futures Trading: Users can engage in USDT-M, USDC-M, and Coin-M futures trading, with the option to go long or short on over 130 coins. The platform promises high liquidity and low fees.
- Spot Trading: With a selection of over 500 promising tokens, Bitget enables users to diversify their portfolios including a 10% discount with the referral code.
The Referral Code in 2024
The Bitget Referral Code of 2024 is: mm2u. This code you can use as a new user to create an account. If you already have an account, it is not possible to add the code afterwards. By using this unique code we may receive a commission over your trading volume.
The main bonus of this referral code is that you can get a 10% discount on your spot trading fees. This means that for every spot trade you do, you will receive 10% back into your account. So if you pay $100 of fees at the platform, you will receive $10 back. The discount will be paid back in the crypto you used for your trade.
On top of that you can claim your welcome bonus which is currently estimated around $4163. To claim these bonuses, you need to perform tasks like, doing a KYC, deposit funds or use the copy trade function. Unfortunately, you can’t withdraw this bonus for cash into your account. But as a trader you can use these funds to cover your fees, losses or use it as margin to open up a new position.
Please note that since September 2023 it is mandatory for new users to perform a KYC.
How to apply the Referral Code of Bitget?
It’s pretty easy to apply the referral code when registering a new account. During the registration Bitget will ask you for the code:
- Visit the BitGet exchange register page.
- Check if your country of residence is correctly.
- Enter your phone or email details.
- Click on Referral Code (optional) and paste this code: mm2u
- Read the Term of Use.
- Hit Sign Up
After you signed up, you have to verify your phone number or email address by entering a security number. A KYC is mandatory, and after you can immediately start trading and claim your welcome bonuses. Please note that you have to activate your welcome bonus firstly before you do the task.
The code of 2024 is mm2u and is available for all new users.
You can claim up to $4163 of welcome bonuses by performing different kind of tasks. The welcome bonus includes:
KYC: $3
Futures Trading: $50 or less
First Deposit: $4000 or less (depending on the deposit)
Spot Trading: $60 or less
Copy Trading: $50
No, you can only use the bonus for margin (to open a position), fees or losses
To apply the referral code, follow these steps:
Visit the BitGet exchange register page.
Ensure your country of residence is correct.
Enter your phone or email details.
Click on “Referral Code (optional)” and paste this code: mm2u.
Read the Terms of Use and hit “Sign Up”.
To claim the welcome bonus, you need to complete tasks such as KYC verification, futures trading, making your first deposit, spot trading, and using the copy trade function.
The discount is only valid for spot trading and will be paid back as a cashback after each trade.
Since mid-2023, a KYC verification is mandatory to start trading on Bitget.
No, the referral code can only be used when creating a new account. It cannot be added to an existing account.
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