On this page, you will learn how to buy Binance Coin cheaply from all safe brokers available. You can compare Binance Coin prices with brokers, so you will never pay too much fee again.
Compare Binance Coin and always buy the cheapest Binance Coin!
Given the volatility, prices of crypto are always very volatile. Because they still represent a small market, the movements are very fast, and Binance Coin does the same. The difference between the close and the open price of the day for a crypto can be a few tens of percent. The Binance Coin price also goes up and down all day long.
However, the currency may be volatile, but you still want to take advantage of the price. This is why you prefer to buy Binance Coin at the lowest price and then sell it again at the highest price. That is why it is just as convenient that we can show you the different prices and you can easily compare Binance Coin including all trading fees.
The suppliers of Binance Coin calculate their buying and selling prices based on their costs and therefore they can differ greatly. This is the reason why Binance Coin brokers always show a price that is always a bit higher than the current market price.
Furthermore, brokers also charge their customers a fee (costs to the intermediary) for the services they provide.
Of course, most people like brokers for their easy payment methods such as credit card, IBAN Bank Transfer, SOFORT, iDEAL, GiroPay, Bancontact, MyBank, Carte Bancaire and EPS. And you do not need any technical knowledge to buy Binance Coin. Finally, they offer support in a lot of different languages with real people, which is convenient of course.
For all of the above reasons, if you want to save from the moment you buy or sell, it is wise to compare all Binance Coin prices before your purchase.
Easily compare Binance Coin prices
In the table above you can see all safe Binance Coin brokers in a list, and the price they offer is updated in real-time. Thanks to this BNB overview, you can immediately see which broker offers the cheapest Binance Coin prices at any time.
The best price is shown in green at the top of the table (both for buying and selling) and thanks to the timer you can count down until the price is adjusted again. If you want faster updates, just press refresh on your computer, usually under F5.
These prices are sent to us by the brokers and our software then ranks them according to their prices including trading fees. So if a provider changes its price, it will also automatically shift in our table.
So if you want to buy Binance Coin more often (and of course never want to pay too much fees) then it’s a good idea to bookmark this page in your favourites. This way you are sure that you will never pay too much for your favorite crypto again.
We also have our own Twitter feed that posts the cheapest Bitcoin broker every day. So if you have your own Twitter account, follow our Twitter account and you will automatically be kept up to date.
We only compare Binance Coin prices of trusted brokers
The companies you see as brokers in our overview are only included under a few strict conditions. For example, all companies with a long history in the crypto market that have satisfied customers and guarantee us that every visitor we send to them will receive a professional service.
They also offer fair prices including all the fees, so that you as a customer pay less. Most of them also usually offer multiple crypto’s and are strongly committed to customer satisfaction. All of these things are very important to us.
Varying is, therefore, a good choice, also when it comes to choosing a broker. So with comparing Binance Coin you can determine from whom you buy.
Of course, always do your research about the status of the provider from whom you wish to buy Binance Coin. Thanks to our table you will find a direct link to the provider behind each price, which allows you to buy and sell easily with a single click.
Some of these brokers require you to register in advance while others allow you to buy (or sell) without an account.
Why compare Bitcoin coin and score the cheapest BNB?
The crypto market is still very small and brokers know that most investors still tend to limit themselves to one broker or one exchange. So they sometimes charge higher prices or fees for another coin.
If you buy Binance Coin at the lowest price, you will have a profit sooner when the price rises. It is also easier to make a profit when selling it, because you have bought more cheaply. So if you don’t take advantage of where the cheapest Binance Coin is offered, you can quickly lose a few euros.
Also, all registrations with these different brokers are free of charge, so you don’t really lose money. Just register with all of them and then, if you see an interesting price, you can buy Binance Coin instantly.
Why do Binance Coin prices differ per provider?
Of course, you understand that each broker determine its Binance Coin price based on the costs. In summary, the Binance Coin price they show you is influenced mainly by the following factors:
- What is the spot price that the market is offering for Binance Coin at the moment?
- What fee is charged? (With most brokers it is variable and varies every moment of the day. On average you will see that this fee is between 0.25% and 3%).
- How often do they update their prices?
- What are any additional costs on top of the price, such as transaction fees, verification fees or blockchain fees?
Suppose Binance Coin’s price rises or falls very quickly then it can happen that the provider has not yet updated its prices.
Finally, of course, there are also transaction or blockchain costs with some of these brokers.
Can I compare Binance Coin and other crypto prices independently on your website?
As far as we are concerned we just want to create a website that shows our visitors the best price of the (well known) Binance Coin btokrtd. They will automatically send us the price which will then be sorted independently by our system. The algorithm of our table decides on its own who is at the top and even if a broker would ask us for a better ranking, we can’t help it. This way of working allows us to remain completely independent.
Are all BNB prices displayed correctly?
Via the API of the brokers, the prices you see in our table are shown. So we show you the prices they deliver to us. In other words, we have no influence whatsoever on the API of the providers or the prices in our table. It is a fully automated system and we are therefore not responsible or liable for the prices shown in the table. We are allowed to adjust prices if they are not correct.
What are the payment methods used to buy Binance Coin?
All the brokers we show in our table are located in Europe and therefore you can expect: credit card, IBAN Bank Transfer, SOFORT, iDEAL, GiroPay, Bancontact, MyBank, Carte Bancaire and EPS.
Are all Binance Coin brokers shown on this page?
Of course,there are some brokers that offer Binance Coin that we do not show. First of all, this is because we mainly show brokers who accept easy payment methods. We also do a quality check before we allow a broker on the site. We check various points and then assess whether a broker is safe to list or not. This can also be one of the reasons why we don’t show a broker (even if another website shows it as a Binance Coin provider, that is, of course, their choice).
For example, if we receive a lot of complaints from the crypto community about a particular broker, or if one of them is extremely expensive, we will probably exclude it from our site. If you know of a broker that you think deserves a place on our site, please let us know. We are always looking for new brokers.
Is it 100% safe to invest in Binance Coin?
No! An investment in cryptocurrency, of any kind, involves risk. Firstly, there is the enormous volatility and, secondly, it is still a very unregulated market at the moment. Therefore, research the risks and invest only with money you can spare.
Is it smart to get a loan and invest in Binance Coin?
No! Do not borrow money to invest in Binance Coin or any other crypto.
What is Binance Coin?
Binance Coin is the native currency of Binance, the largest crypto exchange in the world today. Considering the popularity of Binance as a platform, it is very popular.
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